🔃 From Tickets to ‣

This page is destined to ticket handlers and team managers, ie the person in each team the relevant ticket is assigned to, and outlines standards in managing incoming tickets.

👷 For Ticket Handlers

🤹‍♀️ Handling and resolving a ticket

All tickets should be reviewed within 1 business day. This means that the ticket should be moved away from 0 - Pending Workforce within 1 business day. The ticket can either be moved to:

🔃 From Tickets to ‣

If your team uses ‣ then tickets taking more than 2 hours of work should be moved to ‣. When you move a ticket:

👁️ For Team Managers

💠 Keeping a Ticket Database Up to date

When having a ticket database you don't have to set an owner for each template to check they're still up to date with [Shared] Inter Team Communication. You set the owner on the page containing the database and do a full review on next review. When reviewing a ticket database you must check compliance with all the pages of Structure of a Ticketing System on all aspects and notably Fields, Templates and Views .

🔜 Making sure Tickets are moving forward

Team managers must make sure their tickets are correctly handled. This means that at all time the 🆙 Stales should be empty. To ensure this team managers must review once a week their ticket database and ping Assignee to make sure no tickets get lost.

🗣️ Communicate on the Team’s SLAs

Give visibility be adding at the top of your ticket table the classic SLAs of the team.

Exemple in ‣

Owner: @Elrendio - ‣

Next Review: See [Shared] Inter Team Communication