

Do: Use the New button to create a SEV5

The New button should by default create your SEV5 ticket.

Do: Focus on the Issue and not the Resolution

When creating a Ticket it’s very tempting to write please do this instead of I have this issue because you might already have thought of a solution. However, most of the time you don’t have all the information to find the optimal solution. It’s therefore best to leave the handling team offer a solution.

You can however suggest a solution as long as your issue is clearly explained.

Do: Link Suppliers and Demanders

When tickets have relations to ‣ (field Suppliers) or ‣ (field Demanders) please link it to the ticket. You should link the ticket when the supplier/demander is the primary concern of the ticket. For example if a feed is bad, you should link the supplier, but you shouldn't link a supplier for which the tracking of the carrier its using is defective.

Do: Always specify if it's including taxes or excluding taxes when talking about prices


actual price of pdt : 24.87

i made a mistake while registering the price 😕


Actual price of pdt: 24.87 IT 20%

i made a mistake while registering the price 😕


Do: Resolve the threaded comments once it is settled

When you comment on a ticket or a document, as soon as the discussion is resolved, please resolve the thread.

Do: Use “[Deleted]” in front of a comment that you want to delete

Use this prefix before deleting the comment so that the person notified about it understands why they can’t see it.

That way, they won’t disturb you or look for the comment forever or write to Notion to say there is a bug.

Do: Add a reminder when you leave a ticket undone

When you need to wait for an answer or you need to wait for an external event and therefore can't close the ticket, add a Reminder in order not to forget to close it later on. See [Shared] Inter Team Communication §FAQ on how.


Dont: Add a Stockler in Followers unless he actively monitors the ticket

Adding the Stockler in this field will trigger him a notification for each update of the ticket, therefore please don’t add them if you’ve only:

Dont: Set On Hold while asking for quick validation

When you ask validation, it’s either:

<aside> 🔃

As an exception to this rule, if you need validation of initial work to allow finishing the work you may use the On Hold status. However, you should clearly indicate in your comment that validation is blocking some work.


Owner: ‣ - ‣

Last Review: January 1, 2024

Do: Resolve the threaded comments once it is settled